
Lime - Be Beautiful Everytime

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العلامة التجارية : فايتو

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شامبو مطور خصيصًا للشعر المصبوغ المزايا: - هذا الشامبو بتركيبة لطيفة ينظف الشعر برفق لحماية اللون وينعش إشراقته - يحتوي على التارا وبراعم عباد الشمس - يحتوي على خلاصة زهرة الكركديه الاستعمال: - يوضع مع التدليك على الشعر المبلل. - يشطف جيدا بالماء. وتكرر العملية إذا لزم الأمر.

كيفية الاستخدام

Rub between the hands to create a rich, creamy lather. Apply, then massage the scalp. Rinse well. Reapply the shampoo to enhance the effectiveness of the active ingredients. Concentrated formula: a small quantity goes a long way !

فوائد المنتج

Specifically formulated for color-treated and highlighted hair, this shampoo gently cleanses the hair to protect its color and boost its shine.Hair is clean and soft, color is protected and revived. Hair is envelopped in a delicious, subtle scent. The scent of a late sunny afternoon in the Mediterranean.

المكونات الرئيسية

Tara tannins and Sunflower sprouts extract: This duo of active ingredients has been selected for its exceptional protective action. A powerful antioxydant, it limits the deterioration of pigments, prevents copper molecules present in some water from latching onto the fiber and thus protects color from fading and greening. Hibiscus extraction: Hibuscus has a very high organic acid content, its extract neutralizes the alkalinity of color treatments and gently smoothes the scales of the fiber to make hair shine. Its high mucilage content also gives its hydrating and emollient properties.